Saturday, July 29, 2017

Manufacturing Images and Sound Bites; Killing Debate and Discussion

It is hard to debate images. An image is taken to be an accurate representation of something. We don't often question the time, the angle, the cropping and other elements that go into making an image. We simply take them to be what they appear to be. (Unless of course we suspect they are PhotoShopped, but let me leave that aside, at least for now.)

In the same way it is difficult to debate a sound bite. They are often done in ways that make them seem clearly true or false, or idiotic. They are crafted to be clear and with out context or the need (or even possibility) of debate or explanation.

Both of these have had a affect on the way we think and the way we use language in general. We don't question what is said or written to examine why certain words or phrasing was chosen. We take the words at face value like a picture and judge them as true or false based on what we know. If we disagree with what appears to be the case in the words or picture, we simply call it a lie that has been told on purpose to mislead (and benefit the liar). In other words: it has been PhotoShopped. And it is done by that person knowingly for selfish and evil reasons.

This is a dumbing down of language that stifles debate and discussion. It should be no surprise that in a world dominated by images and sound bites we have a superficial approach to language. That superficial approach to language leads to a superficial approach to the world as a whole. Things seem simple and straightforward with no need (or even ability) to debate or discuss them. And in a world like that, unless we all think the same way, there is no way to avoid becoming bitterly divided.