Thursday, October 01, 2015

Gun Control

Oregon College Shooting

Maybe it is time for very strict gun control laws in the US.  Maybe it is even time to scrap the second amendment.  This is not something I say lightly; it is something I say as a sad sort of resignation.Too many people are unable to handle weapons responsibly and connected to that: too many people are unable to handle stress well; too many people are unable to handle their emotions; too many people have such little respect for other’s lives. In addition to that, most people seem resigned to those facts because far more time and energy is spent on debating gun control than talking about those other issues.  The approach is to use laws to fix problems, not to look to issues in families, communities and individuals. There are mental health issues in the US (and I don’t mean mental illness, which is more severe.)  There are family issues in the US (and I don’t mean ‘family values’ issues.)  There are community issues (and I mean real communities, not online communities.)  There are issues with values and respect in the US. 
But it is more important to talk about… actually argue about gun control. Maybe if we ban guns, people will move on and pay attention to these other issues. Maybe…

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