Saturday, January 06, 2018

Your Evil Enemy Makes You Ignoble

"What great reverence for his enemies a noble human being has! ... he can stand no other enemy than one in whom there is nothing to hold in contempt and a very great deal to honor! On the other hand imagine the 'enemy' as the human being of resentment conceives of him... 'the evil enemy,' 'the evil one.'"
Friedrich Nietzsche from On the Genealogy of Morality

This is something we should keep in mind while reading, commenting and thinking about things online.

The evil enemy comes out of resentment and simplification. It says as much, if not more, about the person labeling the evil enemy as it does about the enemy. It says the one who is labeling is resentful and full of simplifications and even simple thinking. In short, they are not noble. They make themselves ignoble, or at least questionable, by making an evil enemy.

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